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Stakeford Primary School


Primary School

Breakfast And After School Provision

Our school offers both Breakfast and After School childcare provision which is run by school support staff. 

Breakfast Provision 

  • Breakfast provision is available for children from Nursery - Year 6 and will take place in the main school building.
  • Until January 2024, a grant has enabled us to offer Breakfast club for free.
  • Children must be booked in using the School Money App
  • Bookings should be made in advance where possible but at least by midday the day before provision is required, and by midday on Friday for Monday bookings
  • Your child should be dropped off from 7:50 am at the main entrance where staff providing breakfast care will greet them. 
  • From January 2024 the daily rate of £3.50 can be paid either as cash to the main office or online using the School Money App.

After School Provision

  • After school provision is only available for children from Reception - Year 6 and will take place in the main school building. 
  • Sessions run from 3:15 pm - 6:00 pm on a Monday-Friday. We are no longer able to provide a Friday.
  • The cost is £4.00 per session which covers both the childcare and a healthy snack.
  • Bookings should be made in advance where possible using the School Money App but at least by midday the day before provision is required, and by midday on Friday for Monday bookings
  • Your child/children can be collected at any point during the session from the main entrance. However, if children are not collected by 5:00 pm this will incur an additional charge.
  • Money can be paid either as cash to the main office or online using the School Money App
