The Local Offer Stakeford Primary School
Frequently Asked Questions from Parents and Carers
How will school / college staff support my child?
Your child’s class teacher will have overall responsibility for supporting them. They will plan, deliver and assess regularly in order to meet their needs. If they are placed on the Special Educational Needs register, the school SENDCo oversee their provision also, and conduct any reviews in school. Children’s Individual Education Plans (IEPs) will be written, reviewed and evaluated by their class teacher and monitored by the school SENDCo.
Other school staff or agencies may need to work with your child, however you will always be informed of this and permission given prior to any additional work taking place.
How will I know how my child is doing?
Feedback to parents will be given at least three times per year for all children. This will take the form of two parental consultations and one written report. In addition to this, informal appointments will be offered three times per year to discuss progress towards individual targets with school staff. If there is a need for more regular contact, this is available through daily / weekly discussions or a home-link book. This will be discussed and agreed on an individual basis.
How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?
All lessons in school are differentiated in order to meet all children’s individual needs. The work that is set for children is appropriate to their individual stage of development and what they must do next to allow progress to be made. Differentiation can take many forms, including different
tasks, different levels of support and different resources to support children. This means that all children should be able to complete the tasks that are set for them and make progress.
What support will there be for my child’s overall well being?
Stakeford Primary School is supported by a range of professionals and agencies, both within school and external to school. Internally, the school benefits from the support of two teaching assistants trained in Emotional Literacy, in order to support children who are finding school or home life difficult and also to boost confidence and self esteem. There are also a range of other interventions that can take place in school, including:
- In class group interventions for Mathematics, English skills, Social Skills and Friendship groups
- Speech and Language support Phonological Awareness
- Read Write Inc Narrative Group
- 1:1 Statement Support Action Words
- Lexia
- Talk Boost
- Fine and Gross Motor Skills
Further information about these interventions can be found in the school’s Local Offer Document.
What specialist services are available at or accessed by the school / college?
The school benefits from:
- A qualified SENDCo (with national SENCO accreditation) Two trained Emotional Literacy Support Assistants
- One level three qualified Teaching Assistant for supporting Hearing Impaired children A range of Teaching Assistant s trained to deliver specific interventions.
- In addition to school based staff, the school has access to a range of professionals including: Speech and Language Therapy
- Locality Inclusion Support Team (LIST) - Educational Psychologist, Behaviour Team, Occupational Therapy, Bereavement and Loss Counselling, Speech and Language Support, Literacy Support, English as an Additional Language Specialists
- Occupational Therapy Sensory Support Service
- Children and Young People’s Service (CYPS) Victim Support
- Children’s Services (Social Services) Family Recovery Team
- SEN Monitoring and Assessment Team School Health Team
- Education Other Than At School (EOTAS) Pupil Referral Unit (PRU)
- Portage
- Complex Neurological Centre Physiotherapy Services Traveller Education
What training are the staff supporting children and young people with SEND had or are having?
Staff have received Continuing Professional Development (CPD), in the past two years, to support children with SEND in the following areas:
Whole School:
- Autism Spectrum Disorder Safeguarding Children Epilepsy
- Speech, Language and Phonological Awareness Enquiry based learning
Groups of Staff / Individual Staff:
- Paediatric First Aid
- Positive Handling
- Fine and Gross Motor Skills Talk Boost
- Autism Spectrum Disorder Manual Handling
- Early Help Assessment
- New Curriculum Developments Numeracy Interventions
- iPads for all
- Pupil Engagement (first fifteen minutes) SEN Developments and Changes
- E Safety
- Educational Visit Risk Assessment EpiPen use
How will you help me to support my child’s learning?
All children in school will be set learning targets at least three times per year. These will be shared with all parents during parental consultations and through the written annual school report. In addition to this, parents of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities will be offered a termly catch-up, where individual targets set on children’s Individual Education Plans will be shared. Methods of supporting children at home
will also be shared during this catch-up. If you are finding supporting your child at home more difficult or you would like advice regarding this, your child’s class teacher should be able to offer advice and support to you. This may involve referrals to agencies external to school or signposting you in their direction.
How will I be involved in discussions about and planning for my child’s education?
As a parent, your opinion and views are central to any plans for your child. During termly catch ups, annual reviews and transition points, your opinions and views will be sought, recorded and valued. This will be central to future provision for your child.
How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips?
All children in school are offered places at extra-curricular activities, regardless of need or ability. Children will always be included in educational visits and residential visits. The provision for these activities will be discussed with parents prior to them taking place, so they can give their views during the planning stage.
How accessible is the school / college environment?
Our school building is fully wheelchair accessible and single storey. The building has a hygiene room with changing facilities for children who require support with intimate care and toileting needs. Each class uses a visual timetable which is discussed at the beginning of each day so that
children are aware of the daily structure and can prepare themselves for changes if they occur.
Who can I contact for further information?
Your first point of contact will be your child’s class teacher who will put you into contact with another member of school staff if they are unable to provide the information you need. If you feel that the class teacher is an inappropriate person to discuss your queries with, the school SENDCo, Mrs Laura Nocon will be available, by appointment.